I was viewing my album today and suddenly realise how good my life is till now.. no regrets at all.. (only regret is how come i so big size?? hehe..)
Why i say so, cos i feel i should be grateful to the friends i have.. No doubt, family is the most important but i feel, all these while, before my bf came along, its all my beloved frens that kept me going. All the memories, happy times, quarrels, bickerings and laughters.. Really miss each and everyone of you..
Now, coming onto the working society, each of us have our own career and stuffs. Many of us kept drifting further and further away. Sad thing is, i think thats what life is about. The diff phrases we go thru, the lesser frens remains.. Like my mom, hers drifted apart when she spend all her time being the best mum in the world.. and later on, its gonna be my turn.. and then my childrens' turn and so on..
Can't all of us just stick to each other like glue? So we wouldnt have a reason to be cut off in the later years.. I dun waanna end my "friendshiphood" just like tat!! Brawl~~~

For now, Frens forever! i know, so clinque..