Dad turns 48!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Yesterday, we celebrated Dad's bday.. its his 48th! "Times really flies..." he said with a sigh. :-)
Anyway, many people commented that my dad don't look like his age.. One of my fren mention that my dad looks like he is in his late thirties! haha..
That afternoon, i met up with my sis over lunch at Orchard - we are going to shop for dad's bday present. In the end, we got him a brown leather Braun Buffel wallet. Funny thing was, few weeks earlier, i was trying to find a Braun Buffel wallet for my dad when im in Germany, thinking that since it was a German brand, it might be cheaper or the collection would be nicer over there, but, to my surprise, i couldnt find any at their major departmental stores. Found out later from the sales girl that the company was actually from a small town in Germany. So, not so well known at home, but very popular in Spore! How strange....
Photo taken by my Uncle, who just happens to be there.. A family protrait - i like this pic cos we look so happy! :-)
Happy Birthday Dad! We love you! Muack~
A trip to Sentosa! ...sentosa's admin office..
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Was "client-meeting" last fri afternoon at Vivocity when Eileen called me suddenly and ask me where would i be in the afternoon. Found out that she has taken 1/2 day leave to go for an interview @ 4pm and thus she has a few hrs to spent before that. Just nice, i happen to be at Vivo and thus we arranged to meet up for some window-shop... But, me, being me, i will still end up buying things even when i "just-window-shop". In the end, i bought a gorgeous purple tube dress that cost $73! from Forever 21.
Feeling the burnt in my pocket, i decide to lure myself out of the shopping mall to prevent me from spending anymore. So, decided to pay a very much long waited visit to the lovely island - SEntosa! Was going to accompany my bestie for her interview...
WE tried the latest transport to the island - a high tech tram from Vivocity to Sentosa's imbiah station.
Although we are there for her interview, we behave as if we are tourists, taking pictures and saying "ooo... aaa..." over the scenery..
Managed to only take a distant picture with the newly erected 6-storey high Merlion. So majestic looking... i like this better than the one over at Esplanade. You can actually take a lift up to the top of the Merlion's mouth and admire the view of Singapore. Too bad i cant do it today..

I want to go SEntosa again~~~~ This time, i wanna go to the Underwater World, Dolphin lagoon, Fort Siloso, Images of Spore, Carsberg Tower, The Merlion, Cafe De Mar.... So many things to see but no one to go with me. :-(

Have to rush back to Vivocity as im meeting another client for dinner at 6.30pm. Dinner for the evening - jap food @ Sushi Tei. I like the sashimi salad... the only food i can induge in without feeling "fat-guilty". On my way back home after dinner, i bump into a German restuarant at level 1. Its called 'brotzeit' and they have a board saying, "Today's Dinner Special - Pork Knuckles" Haha... Reminds me of the pork knuckles that Enrico had during one of the dinners.
See, this is a pic of the pork knuckles that Enrico ordered. Super big portion! But anyway, at least now i know there is a German restaurant in Vivo and i cant wait to try their food! From my past experience, German food is nice.... :-)
What a mess!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Its been the 10th day that i'm suffering from this irritating cough and cold. I think i might just cough out blood later on.. The doctor says its a common one during this time of the year but i've already finish the whole bottle of cough syrup and its STILL THE SAME.. Haiz... miss my mocha frapp and my ice cream!!! Arrgh~Since i cannot go out meeting my clients in this state, i took a few days just lazing and doing some admin work at home. Not healthy at all - for my business. Nevertheless, i start to sit down and really took a long long stare at my room. Been so long since i last pack my room, this is the result of the months of clutters...
My pathetic study table~

Many years of soft toys collections - never had the heart to throw out some of the very old ones.

My wardrobe, bursting to its brim! I need a bigger one!!! And i think its well in time that i shall start cleaning out my room for the coming Chinese New Year. I need to go IKEA to shop for new boxes and wardobes too.. for my pathetic and sad looking room.. *sighs*
Friday, January 19, 2007
Just came back from my company's retreat at the Changi Beach Resort. Although its a 3 day 2 night event, i only went for 2 as i'm so terribly sick! Blah~
Thought that the word 'Retreat' means that its gonna be a fun event with games and enjoyment but alas! i'm so wrong... Our company's retreat is an annual event at the the beginning of every year where we have our 'Goal-Setting Ceremony'. All of us will come together, to set for ourself, our goal for this year and it will be made known to each and everyone in our team. I think, the purpose of this is to let all of us consistently, encourage each other of our goals and to remind us that we should not give up and to work very hard towards our goal so that we will have a good report card to show in the next year's retreat.
There is this one particular session which i find it especially memorable. Its called the 'Sharing Session'. All of us in the team will sit together in a room, where we will take turns to share with everyone, our goals for 2007, our strategies and our past experience, be it good or bad. Over here, it can get very emotional at times, when one of us shares our hardship to success and the difficulties.. on hearing these, we will often cried together, as most of us will experience the same problem as well.. It really touches me and show me that behind every success, there will always be hardship. In this line, i know it is not easy to strive it out, but i believe there IS a way as if i believe i can do it, i can... if i cannot, i cannot.. It is all in your mental mind and your focus towards your goal. No doubt there is difficulties but in the very first place, problems are always meant to be solved.
To all my team mates, let us all work very hard together towards our goal.. Do not let our boss down!
A crappy day~
Monday, January 15, 2007
Not a good day for me today.. i am sick! no voice for me to crap so i shall just blog it online.. I kept hearing people says "The world is unfair". But usually only those who knows how to complain and go about saying 'the world is unfair!' are the ones who do not know that actually the world is very fair to them compared to those people living in Africa, the country where civil war is going on ever so strongly. The people in that country is killing their own people in civil war, refugees starving to death, children deprived of an education and a normal life and small girls and women getting rape every single sec. As we are living at the other side of the world, our only knowledge to all these disturbing facts are through movies, national geographic and the occasionally news articles, other than that, how are we suppose to know that we are actually a fortunate bunch of fools, crying everyday to ourselves that our life is unfair and miserable.
Why am i so crappy about it, thats cos i just realise that im, in fact, one of the fools who have been crying that my life is as miserable and life is so unfair... and that i wish i do not need to work for money and just do whatever i wish to do, be it a long long holiday to Germany and Europe and be bless with a blissful life ever after. What the heck... i should be feeling happy and relieved instead of grieving all over. How shameful i am...
A double date over the weekend.
Had a double date with CeXiong and Ally last night at the New York, New York restaurant. They had just came back from a holiday trip from Korea and were sharing with us their holiday experience..
They bought us some gifts as well.. I had gotten the chopsticks that the Koreans used.. the one that we normal see in Korean dramas. And i found out from Ally that, Kimchi, is not that nice actually.. 
After our dinner, Cexiong, being the camera-fanatic, decided to try out on my new camera, sony T10. He was so amazed by the camera that he begin his 'photographer styles' again.. Haha.. it was damn funny on the way he ask us to pose for him...
But i really like some of the pictures that he took. I think it was good.. He really had the potential to do well.. i kept asking him to try out and be a wedding photographer.. Hehe.. It was a fun night!
Traffice police test tom..
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Im having my driving test tomorrow.. *jitters* To add to the stress and tension that im suffering now, i am falling sick! Head is bursting now, temperature is rising... Oh no... i dun wanna be sick for the test tomorrow! God, i need help here!
Actually, driving is easy.. but its the guy in white uniform, sitting beside you, with a super black face, that makes the whole thing diff to pass. Someone told me to treat it as if the tester is not in the car.. I hope i can really do that tom. *sighs*In need of all the luck and encouragement that i can have now~~
Happy New Year, 2007!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Spent my last night of year 2006 with my gf, shwu hui. We went to MOS last night for their countdown party. Without any 'research' done, we just head down to the place. We didnt know the cover charge until we were at the cashier... It was a freaking $38 with only 1 drink. No time to regret as we have queued a verrry long time to get into the place.

While we were waiting to get in.... picturewhoring time!!!
Anyway, we had a great time counting down. The DJ was from UK and the music is good.. But the crowd... abit borin compare to the crowd over at germany.. it totally rocks there!
My new year resolutions for this year....
- Lose weight and tone up!!!!!
- Work hard for my MDRT!
- Get a car...

Pics taken on boxing day. Went down to Vivo city for dinner with EK after my driving lesson. Wanted to check out GUCCI sales there but to my horror, spore's biggest shopping mall has not GUCCI store! But luckily, my fav ice-cream, Ben's and Jerry, made my trip to vivo - not a waste.
Am enving this gf of moi now.. Lilian, enjoy urself to the fullest - without me!!! *pouts* Take care of urself @ bangkok!