I'm falling sick yesterday and am sick today... Went to watch "Shrek 3" with Darl just now and my nose is running thru the whole show! Plans of joining my gfs at dbl O later has to be forsaken..
Tomorrow is Vesak Day and i force myself to work. Time table in my schedule...
10am: Go office and clear paperwork. Sleep in..
11am: Early lunch at the $2 prawn mee shop over at Arab street. Read newspaper and have breakfast
12pm: Do calling and try to achieve 10 appts in 4 hrs time. Meet darlin and go ITfair to shop.
5pm: Check and clear emails. Go and make my specs with darl.
7pm: Dinner appt with a prospect. Nice dinner at wheelock.
9pm: Go home early as there is a meeting tomorrow morning. Movie "Amazing Grace" @ Lido.
As usual, i would have to say, my time is flexi and it all depends on me -not. (Shit!) Darl commented on my work attitude just now and it makes me feel so shameful.. Am i doing things the right way? Playing or working, i dont know... With this crap attitude of mine, it will be doubtful if i can meet my targets. "Whats wrong with me, man?"
Past few days has been fun... Met up with Lil with consequences of serious damage to the pockets, online-shop with darl for few nights and make him pay for my VS's purchases.. (hey, he offered!), fav lunch sessions with my bestie, meeting Jas and gang for movie follow by dinner @ The Ship restaurant...
After all these, im gonna offically launch the "Save Steffany!" charity fund, kind donors, pls do not refrain from donating. Haha..

Fish and Chips @ the Fishermen's Wharf is darn good and cheap! Big portions that cost a mere $6.50. If there is service provided, air-conditioned area and clearer address of the place...
I've soo much more to blog and pictures to show but its already 1am now and my brains is screaming at me to sleep and threatens that if i dun, they will burn with fever soon..
Shoo fever! Shoo running nose! Tomorrow, the lady here wanna do her new pretty specs, wanna go IT-shopping spree at the IT fair and wanna blog more~~
Men really doesnt have a clue..
Massive blog entry..
Its been awhile since i last blogged.. Missed blogging terribly but had not much of a choice but to wait for the whole wireless connection to be up. This is gonna be a long entry with lots and lots of photos.. =)For the past 2-3 mths, i have been eating lunch with my bestie, Shwu Hui, consistently.. Hehe.. This is one of the lunches that we have at Raffles city over at Haagen Daz.
Yummy delicious ice cream fondue.. She is so impress by this. =) We kept "hmming" all the way while eating..The 3days 2 nights trip to genting - sponsor by Darlin for my mom and sis's bday. Its meant to be their bday present, all thanks to my mum, who is the casino "fanatic".While they are gambling away, me and my sis decided to entertain ourselves by shopping and sight-seeing.. Went to the 'Ripley's Believe it anot!' musuem and took tons of photos there..
Pretty enjoyed myself this time.. Funny poses on the spur by my sis created more fun and laughter...
One of the exhibits, a 100 yrs old 'National' brand cash register..
Confusing question.. Try it and see if you can get the correct answer..
This poster shows that in China, people can tell who are the virgins by just looking at the fringe. Young mens looking for suitable partner will walk down the streets to look for their wifes.. And to let the men know that they are available, the girls kept fringe - a sign of chasity.
The picture tells it all... Im a self declared VIRGIN!!! haha.... *have to put disclamer over here..
My birthday gift from EK.. He gave me a surprise by putting this into my bag without me knowing. Thanks dear...
My loots from Genting shopping mall.. I know, i know.. Im a shoppaholic~~

Another surprise... They surprise me with this 'Baskin Robins' ice cream cake that i've been eyeing since day 1, a day before my birthday. Its cookies and cream ice cream cake and i love it sooo much!! Happy 22nd to me... (Im getting old!!!)
Then came Ek's 28th bday celebration 2 weeks later. In a spur of a moment, he bought our fav desert wine to dinner. Haven't been drinking for sooo long and it really taste good! *winks*

The costly and yet so small bottle - 'Imniskillin' from Iceland. Super sweet and delicious~ =)
Got myself tanned from the beach.. Dying and yearning for another beach holiday soon but it dont look quite promising, seeing my work schedule for the next few mths.
Although its just a short 2 day 1 night trip to the beach.. I find myself surprisingly refresh and relax. "Hey, Im the beach girl, man! "
Met up with lilian for a drinking session over at the Wine Company @Dempsy Rd. I have to say, the place is abit off judging on the location.. Public transport cant get you to their doorstep. But...... Their bottles of wine is SO SO CHEAP!!!!!!!!! No wonder its my boss' fav hangout place.

Nice place, good wine that dont cost a bomb and that chardonnay from germany is so delicious ($34) Will definitely come back again! =)
A posh buffet dinner@ the Royal Plaza hotel with EK. He brought me here on seeing me so "mountain-turtle". Fyi, he has been here with his collegues so many times and its my only first time there.. I was ooo-ing and aaa-ing the whole time. I think he couldnt be more embarassed..
My fav part - the deserts section!!!!! I was already eating the deserts when people are still eating their main course.. With sooo many choice of desserts, i got a feeling that i dont have enough time to try all! hehe.. Superb!
Lastly, my latest hair-cut.. Still thinking if i should dye my hair black...