Driving Test approaching~
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I'm having my driving test again next mth.. Tom, i will be having my 1st revision lesson since my last failed attempt..
God, pls let me pass this time!!! Guan yin ma, i will promise to be an extra GOOD girl if u let me passs.....
What i will do if i pass on the 7th of Dec:
Scream and shout
Call everyone i know to let them know
Tear off my BBDC booklet once and for all
Drive off to have supper at upper thomson road - my turn to drive!
Pray hard hard, cross my fingers... I WANT TO PASS THIS TIME!!
Underwater World at Sentosa
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
I've always wanted to pay a visit to the Underwater World at Sentosa and my last visit there was like... wat? 11yrs ago?And finally, right after my exam, some one was willing to accompany me there.. *shall not post any single of his pics here as he made me ANGRY last night! =(
I'm so damn excited lor! It made me feel like a small kid all over again... My purpose there : to take as many pics as possible! So, be warned!! This is gonna be a photoverload post. heh..

This is a sea creature with a "disturbing look". Its called the Dragon Moray Eel.

Sea worms! So cute right... haha... They are much more cuter than earthworms lor.....
This pic was taken with me sitting infront of a huge fish tank... But, the picture turns out like i'm posing infront of a wall paper.. Its really a big fish tank with all sorts of fish okay!
The pictures below shows the exhibits of how the sharks got 'fertilised' and grow out... and they actually exihibit the real 'living' embroyo in the case! I can see the small swirmming worm-like being inside the 'seed'!

Now then i know that sharks came out like that! Its even better than learning it from the Discovery Channel!

This is my fav! Its called the 'Sea Angels' They are no bigger that my last finger and they only exist cold regions like the Antartica and north pole. They are named "Sea Angels" cos they swim with 'wings' like the angels. So cute! =)
My fav part of the show case! The mirror tunnel! haha! I spent like.. 1hr in the tunnel itself!

This catfish looks like he wanna 'communicate' with me leh... He just lay there forever until i move off!
See~ I'm a 'fish-magnet'. hehehe.... =p

I call this the 'Saw-Nose' shark! Didnt know these species exist... learn something new again! =)
This is called the 'Dugong'. It was rescued by our singapore naval team from the indonesian waters. Its actually a 'half cow, half mermaid' type of water creature. Its diet contains mainly on seaweeds. I was wondering, yrs back, when i was scuba diving at tioman, i encounter a super big 'fish' , bigger than me! Wonder if it was the dugong that i saw...

New knowledge!! (to me, at least) You know the famous cartoon, "Finding Nemo", the Anemone fish? The above pic describe how they breed!
The fav photography spot in the Underwater world. Need to 'queue' to take ur pic there... Cos, many other tourists all wanna take picture infront of the fish tank..

I was posing for my own pics and suddenly this indian couple from blangadesh wanted to take pictures with me. ??? Nevertheless, i agreed and sort of befriended them...
On a side note, i was sad to hear that their country just met with the worse cyclone ever. But they had emailed us, telling that they are safe.
Big Sri lanka crab! You know, this costs a bomb in seafood restaurants at clarke quay there...
After the Underwater World, it was time for dinner... We need to find a place near the 'Songs of the Sea' area so that we can finish our food fast and able to rush for the concert which starts at 7.40pm.
Finally decided on a sea-side-open-walk-in-concept restaurant - "Coasters". The food there was okay but the atmosphere is superb!

So romantic right? Got candle-light dinner somemore.. hehe..
After dinner, we quickly walk towards the arena for the concert and ALAS, there is already a long queue before the entrance... Singaporeans, being singaporeans.... what are we known for?...............our "kiasuism".

Below are some pictures that i took during the concert... If im not wrong, the story line is still the same as before... But, im there for the final part... the fireworks! hee..

For the 1st time in my life, i saw fireworks displaying just right above my head! (usually i watch it on the tv, or when im miles away from the national stadium) So excited, even if its just a mere few seconds!
Amei Star World Tour 2007
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Last thurs, Me, Shwu Hui, and Amanda, went to the Singapore Indoor Stadium to see Amei's Star concert! Its been 5 yrs since she came to town to hold her concert...
Its full house that night! Amei will be singing on a '4-side' stage..... and we are seated at the "front" stage for that night! That means no seeing of her backside for the whole concert! haha...

Pic taken right before the concert were about to start... We are wriggling with excitement on our seats and just could not sit still!

Finally Amei emerge from below the stage with a bang! ..... along with 4 very-handsome-hunks dancers.

The first segment is already high with her popular fast songs like "Yong yuen de kuai le", "bad boy" and "huo" etc... High Factor = *****

The 2nd segment is the slow songs part.. This part, Amei sang songs that she said were those that were more un-popular and who knows, the first song that she sang was Ting Hai'. " Aiyo.. Amei, that song is very popular leh..." High Factor = ****

I like this costume of hers, the best! Its super cool and styled lor...

As usual, her dance moves is... well.... simply the best! High Factor = ****
This is the closest pic of her that i can take from my seat. Ermm... my camera not that powerful ar... only 3X optical zoom, so.. consider not bad le... =p High Factor = ****

This is the super high part for me.... cos, when can u see Amei singing on the bed, with 4 super-well-built hunks? Not alot of times lor... "Amei, you go girl~" haha.. High Factor = *****
Her so-called last concert costume for the 'last segment'. By now, almost everyone has stand up to dance along with her fast songs. High factor = *****

The highlight of the night.... Amei ending the concert with a big surprise when the platform that she was standing on, raise to a max height of 3 storey! High Factor = *****