Thursday, June 19, 2008

Wait for me~~~~

Wait for me~~~~~~~

Wait for me~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I'M COMING!!!!!!
My Secondary School's Homecoming!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Finally... Someone took the initiative to organize this event.. Its been 7 yrs since i left my secondary school. All things have changed.. the school went through a total makeover and i couldn't have recognized if not for a reminder block of classrooms (which used to be mine) that were spared from the upgrading...
Boy, how time flies........
This gorgeous lady beside me used to be 'not-so-feminine' during our school days.. I have to admit, she had changed for the best... Good, now i have one more pretty friend around me... =P

1/3 of my classmates turned up for the event.. Although its just these few of us, we had fun sharing past moments in school... both heartwarming and funny. I have to say, my best moments of life happened during my sec school days. How i missed them!
Hopefully, this will not be the last gathering for the class.. More plsss!