Recently, i was being tasked to be the 'tour guide' for our 3 german friends by EK.. Had fun bringing them around Singapore and for a moment, i thought i was on holiday too!
Can u believe it? That their summer vacation lasted for 21days? And that is for summer only.. there is still a winter holiday coming up. And poor us? a mere 14 days annual leave.

Where to find nice beer for the guys in spore - brewerks of course! I think they find it so-so only.. Being germans, they get to taste some best beers in the world all the time and no wonder brewerks is only 'ok' to them.
(I look fat in the picture - im trying to rid it now..)

Went to sentosa beach for some fun and sun-tanning. Our dear Enrico was asleep most of the time.. Henry (the botak) decided to make fun of him. (Boys will always be boys... right? *grins)

Thats Henry! ...... and he is doing a 'swan-lake dance', apparently, the sea version. I got a shock when i look up from my mag and saw his leg hanging up.. For a moment, i thought he needed help - can't float properly (u know goldfish) or something.. haha! But when i realise he was playing around, i quickly grab my camera for a shot.
Last weekend, the usual gang and myself headed down to west coast area for authentic jap food. This restaurant is so good that u have to call hrs early to order ur food. Yes! Order ur food leh.. not reserve table hor...

Finally, cruising at a speed of 100km/hr in Louis new Honda Civic! Com'on bro... im still waiting to try the 150 man!

Chako Restaurant located near west coast area. Even Pres. Nathan was here for a meal!

Our meals took hrs to prepare and so to pass our time.... photo-taking!

My chosen set meal - the chako set which consist of salmon fish and fried chicken. Damn Shiok!

I forgot what this is called.. But its like a jap pizza or something..

Super delicious with the restaurant home-made mayonise sauce.

Will definitely come back for more!
Next up: My bangkok shopping trip is approaching!! 2 more days and i'm out of here... Will update more about the trip when im back! =)