My Friend's Wedding
Friday, November 21, 2008
I was involved in one of my friend's wedding earlier on this month... as her 'sisters gang'. You know, this was like, my fourth time being a 'sister' for a friend's wedding and i hope im not jinxed and i still get to be married off!
We meet the 'brothers gang' over a steamboat dinner one weekday. It was suppose to be a bonding session but i think its more of a session for the brothers to probe us on what gate-crashing games we intend to play on the actual day.

Of course, there must be a hen's night for the bride. One of the sister suggest having it at the Oohtique! - a sex toy shop located near boat quay. Never heard of it, so i was quite enthu to try..

These are some of the props we used for the party.... You can more or less guess what games we played during the hen's party. Mind you, its only for age 21 and above!

True or dare? You only get to have one 'true', the rest has to be 'dares'. In this pic, the bride has to carry out a dare with 2 other 'victims'. The dare? - to use the given props and act out a porn scene for 20 secs.
You would have guess by now that the lady in the middle is the bride...

Another dare by the bride - to give her friend seated on her right, a sensuous lick on her earlobes...
These are only 2 of the many dares that we did. Interested to know what i got?

Last final dare specially designed for the bride - She has to carry a sign that states "I'm Horny!" with her kinky-wear and run across the street to perform an erotic dance for full 10secs! It really does not help that the street is full of pubs and that we are blowing whistles and shouting in her direction to gain people's attention. Those 2 angmohs cant help but gave Ally a look of sympathy... Haha!
For her actual day, i was to drive the photographers around.. i was so damn nervous all the way lar! My super lousy driving skills and 'i-also-cannot-believe' sense of directions. Lucky i manage to survive it with the help of a GARMIN GPS. (Yar.. i'm so fully prepare lor.. got gps somemore!)

Did my toenails for the wedding. My first time trying 3D nail art cos doing it in JB is so much more affordable! And i immediately fall in love with it... No more painted nail art for me!!

Went to the hotel early to help prepare their ROM ceremony and while its still early, we went up to the wedding suite at merchant court hotel. The room is huge lor! Heard that it cost $4000+ to spend a night there..

The hotel's pool, taken from the suite's balcony. The pool side area was where the bride&groom had their ROM ceremony before their wedding dinner.

From the balcony, you could see the whole stretch of Clarke Quay....

Can u believe it! Even the bathroom has super nice view lor! But dunno if the building at the other end has good view of you bathing as well........

The Bride and Groom! Not so clear cos they walk too quickly! I simply do not want to admit that my camera is not good enough~~

Cheers to them! May both of them live blissfully ever after! =)
What a feastful month!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
I ended last month with a big round stomach.. Been having lots of good food lately and i think i can't fit into my jeans anymore. So now, i'm seriously looking for a gym/swim/jog khaki.. Do apply if you are in the same situation as me!
Finally, i had finish my exams and completed half of my 3yrs of studies. Immediately after my bestie had finished hers as well, we went out for a little celebration - Botak Jones near our school.
I guess i do not need to intro more on Botak Jones ( with so many newspaper reports on them..)

I loved their spicy fries... other than that... okay only.

Their BBQ wings is not that nice though.. Too salty for my liking.
One good thing of having a car is that you get to go to places where there are great foods and it seems to me that most great tasting food are all so out-of-place.
Lucky me, i had friends who own cars and i too, get to enjoy good food as well.. This time round, our destination is Johor Bahru.
So touched that my friends came to pick me up after my swim to go JB together.. 俗话说, "有福同享,有难同当!"
I was so dead hungry by the time we past the custom and they decided to bring the pathetic me for some food before dinner.
Our hunt? The very famous bak kut teh store near taman sri tebrau. This store is frequent by many sporeans, from what i heard and maybe some of you would have heard of..

This pot of 'gold' is damn nice... Abit different from what i normally had in spore (we do not have straw mushrooms) and the soup is refillable too! Shiok!!

Our "happy-with-satisfaction" faces...

Another strongly recommended: their 'iced jelly' dessert (dunno whats it called but its like ice jelly). Sweet and sour but very refreshing. I'm so tempted to tabao this back lor!
After replenishing our stomach with bak kut teh, we continue our trip to JUSCO. You dunno how excited i am lor. Im like the toad in the well, never been there before. And the people in the car was like yawning away...(of course lar! they went there so many times liao! poor me...)

Its still not SAFE to drive ur car into malaysia and this weird-looking thing that u used to lock ur wheels -to prevent car thefts, is so commonly used in JB. I swear i had not see this been used in Spore and so... must take picture! We call it, "drumstick" (Dun ask me why!).

I tot JUSCO is just a standalone supermarket.. you know, like in western countries ala tesco, walmart, etc. So imagine how stupid i look when i discover DUNKIN DONUTS, DOROTHY PERKINS, TOPSHOP, blah blah... sharing the same building as well. For a moment, my "evil, shoppermania twin" emerged from her sleep...

How could we go back without buying some dunkin donuts! So regret that i only bought 6 cos i did not get to have any back at home - all of it are snapped up by my family the moment i got home!

By the way, on a side note, i could not leave this out when i had sitted in this car for the whole day. i can't take my eyes off from the dangling diamonds. The car owner, bro louis, is an avid car-modifier... look what he did to his car........

DIY diamonds decorates the diamond-crusted head mirror and gearstick resembling a silver ball - the kind used in racing cars. (not in the pic)

This is damn nice la... Side door fitted with a row of lightbulbs.. I can imagine how i want my car to look like next time.... Black car with side door fitted with a row of purple/pink lightbulbs.. Pretty right! haha..
So, after i had finished "wowing" at JUSCO, we head down to our main aim of the trip. Seafood dinner at TODAK KELONG RESTAURANT. Its about 15-30mins drive from JUSCO and im super looking forward to it lor!


Me and Shwu Hui

Louis and Elva

From the kelong, we could see sembawang shipyard at the opposite side of the shore.

Apparently, this place is sooo full of people that you had to call and make reservation in order to guarantee good seats.

Kelong of course can't short of fresh choices of seafood right! That night, i have learned that the big shell soveniers that we have at home, can be eaten! What weird stuff that people eat... shrugs~

Louis and Elva, choosing our 2 victims of the night.

Waiting to be chosen by us... =P
The pics below is a lesson by Mr Louis, a veteran oyster-eater, on " HOW TO EAT AN OYSTER?"

Step 1: Order a plate of 5 oyster, and chose one that you are about to eat.

Step 2: Squeeze a slice of lemon on top of the oyster that you have chosen. Add a few drops of tobacco sauce to remove the fishy taste.

Step 3: Before u begin to eat, look around to see if there is anyone trying to take an ugly picture of you gorging on the oyster. If there is, look into the camera graciously and smile.

Step 4: Try your very very best to eat the oyster in a "i-have-to-look-handsome-eventhough-its-hard-to" manner.

Last Step: Close your mouth when you are chewing and show the signs of satisfaction (not constipation) on your face.
Lesson Ended. The above lesson is generously provided by our handsome driver of the day. Actually, in real life, he is really handsome. (and yes, someone force me to say this. =P)

Fresh steam fish - checked.
Fresh Crab fried with salted egg - checked
Spicy chilli Crab - checked
Fried kailan - checked
Fresh osyters - checked
Furong Egg - checked
Wa tan Hor - checked
Fried golden rice - checked
Thai styled chicken - checked
Mantou - checked
Four of us, 10 dishes of food, can we really finish it?

Yes, we can!

A group photo to mark this memorable night. Our impossible feat, mission accomplished!

On our way back, the road was so dark and scary that i couldnt resist not to take a picture of it. Shwu hui ask me why...
"So that i can submit this photo to SHUTTER 3 if we caught anything..."
Amei Star Concert 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008