To my dear sister,
Very soon, you will turn 21
Still remember the day when i hate the fact that u are in mummy's tummy
Scare that you will snatch mum & dad away from me
But slowly i began to love the idea
the idea of being your big sister.
To teach you how to say your first word
To protect you against big bullies
To hold your hand when crossing the road
Very soon, you will turn 21
Still remember the day when i hate the fact that u are in mummy's tummy
Scare that you will snatch mum & dad away from me
But slowly i began to love the idea
the idea of being your big sister.
To teach you how to say your first word
To protect you against big bullies
To hold your hand when crossing the road

Like all sisters in the world, we have our ups and downs
It got worse when we are teenagers
But i'm glad that the phrase has since passed
Because it had made me realize how lucky i am to have a younger sister
I have someone to share my happiness
I have someone who will listen to my problems forever
I have someone who will company me to places i want to go
I have someone who i know that will genuinely care for me no matter what
It got worse when we are teenagers
But i'm glad that the phrase has since passed
Because it had made me realize how lucky i am to have a younger sister
I have someone to share my happiness
I have someone who will listen to my problems forever
I have someone who will company me to places i want to go
I have someone who i know that will genuinely care for me no matter what

And now, you are finally getting your key
The key to your freedom, The key to adulthood
But in my eyes, you will still be my younger sister
That younger sister who wants me to hold her hand while crossing the road
That younger sister who will come crying to me when there are bullies
And i will always be here for you

Maybe i do not know how to say it out loud
But this post is specially dedicated to you
To let you know how i feel
Watching you grow up for the past 21yrs
Thinking i should say something before you turn adult
Before its too late and we are both too awkward to say all these words
So... Thanks for being my younger sister!