Valentine's Day was in feb. So this post took me quite some time. Its way over now but i would still like to share this..
My Valentine's day was spent in Macau + Hongkong with my boy. Its my first time there so i took alot of pictures.
The funny thing is, we actually bump into the boy's sec sch classmates (who became couple) at the budget terminal before our flight. Turn out, they were going to the same country as us and our plans and hotels are all so close! In the end, we decided to stick around together.

We took tiger to macau and immediately board a ferry to hongkong. We are going to stay over in hongkong for 2 nights before coming back to macau for the last night.

Reaching hongkong's shore. The famous building landscape of so many hongkong drama series.

Our first meal when we reach hongkong was this 'fast food' chain near YS and KL's (the couple) hotel. It was cheap and good but i was damn hungry so forgot to take photo.

Me and my boy lug our luggages and took the mrt to our hotel. Our hotel is located at Ya Mah Tei - directly next to the mrt.

We stayed at the cityview hotel and i find the hotel room abit cramp. SPace is just enough for 2 of us to walk about.

First on our plan is to the Po Lin monastry for the big buddha monument on top of the hill. To reach the monastry, we have to take the cable car.

I fake this look. If you can see the height of this ride, u will not have the mood to smile. This pic was taken just before the cable car begin to ascends. It does not help if it was a foggy and windy afternoon. The whole cable car was totally shaking!

There was rumour to be 200plus steps before u reach the top to the big buddha. No other way up but to climb it.

My super shag face while im climbing the stairs.. So tiring i tell u..

What i get when i travel all the way to the top? A blured pic of the big buddha. I swear im gonna go back again some other time to take a clear pic of it!

The vitasoy here are in cans! How refreshing~

On our way downhill, it got so foggy that my boy led me to holland road. I was shock when i saw 2 cows heading towards us. That was when the boy know that we had wondered off the correct path. But we managed to get back to the correct path after hearing a group of china tourist talking loudly in another direction. Ha!

Next stop is prince edward. We are meeting YS, KL and another classmate of my boy who is a hongkie for dinner. The hongkie, i forgot his name, recommends a well known jap restaurant by the locals. The jap food is the best i have ever eaten, nothing like what we have back at home. I got the namecard, in case you all wanna know where it is.

After dinner, we decided to walk to the ladies street for some shopping! On our way, i saw this familiar sight - the local bus!

The boots are soooo cheap! Only S$15-S$20 a pair! But i didnt manage to get any.. The sales girl there are too hostile to my liking. I still prefer bangkok.

Ya, u should know... The Ladies Street

We end the night with some desserts along the streets near midnight. I like my honeydew sago and the boy love his 'char char', a mixture of beans soup.

Next morning, the four of us travel to this part of hongkong to meet the hongkie and his family for breakie. This, is something i waited for so long... HAVING REAL DIM SUM FOR BREAKFAST IN HONGKONG!

The hongkie brought us to this restaurant near his home. It good in a way cos he says the dim sum here is cheaper than the ones in town. But cheap and equally good dim sum lar..

We went to the hongkie's flat after breakfast since its so near. I get to see a real hongkong flat up and close! I tell you, it is not like those in hongkong dramas lor... It so small and cramp in real life!

My boy, the hongkie and his daughter (she is very very cute), YS and KL. Its like a small class gathering for them.

This small girl here, is the best manner and cutest little thing i know. i wouldnt mind having a daughter like her. it's true.

Then we took the public bus to a heartland mall for some shopping. Heartland mall = even cheaper finds.

It is over here that i spurge.. So morale of story, heartland mall has more polite and approachable sales people.

Later in the evening, we visited The Peak. Took the tram up and it was so crowded that day, simply because that day was valentine's day and all hongkong couples think that celebrating at the peak was the most romantic. So i was walking around and seeing so many girls with big big bouquet of flowers. I nudge the boy and he ask me, "you want flowers or 'paid-for shopping' for ur present?" Of course i pick the latter.

One of my must visit attraction, the Madame Tussaud Wax museum. The entrance fee is not cheap. About S$40 each to enter. Overall, it was only worth going there once. All i really wanted is a pic taken with Princess Diana's wax figure...

We had planned to have dinner at one of The Peak's restaurants but it backfires as we couldnt get a seat if we didnt make a reservation for this valentine's day. So, we headed back to YS and KL's hotel and had late night supper at one of the char chan ting nearby.

The ice lemon tea here was damn shiok. 5 slices of lemon in a cup of ice lemon tea compared to the one tiny slice we had at home. Miserable.

I want to try wanton mee so i ordered one. Dont like it that much, i still prefer what we have at home.

I prefer the boy's maggi mee. In the end, i think i ate more of his and he had no choice but to finish mine.

I almost want to import a carton of this back. Its damn nice! I drank it when me and my boy walk back to our hotel after the supper. The four of us chatted for so long that me and my boy missed the last train back. So we had to walk from Tsim Sha Tsui to Ya Mah Tei. But it was nice to walk along the hongkong streets in the wee hours with just the 2 of us hand in hand. i secretly felt that it was the most romantic way to end our valentine's day that night.

The next morning, our last day at hongkong, i yank the boy out of the bed to have breakfast at the recommended local breakfast joint by my friend. Alas, i thought i was early. The queue got so long when i reach there at 8am. Fortunately, the queue moved quite fast and we got a seat after about 15mins.

For a breakfast set like this plus a cup of milk tea, it is only S$4! Very worth it right.. The boy loves his macaroni very much.

We tried the milk pudding and i dun like it. Can see from his face that he was being force to finish it again.

This is a very famous drink-dessert that can be found all around hongkong. Its like the bubble tea to us back home. Only its much more nicer.

My purpose of this whole trip! DisneyLand!!!!! The entrance fee was damn exp. s$140 for both of us. And i had only a few hrs there before i had to catch my ferry back to macau. Was very disappointed as i felt i had only been to 1/3 of the whole attractions there.

The Sleeping Beauty Castle.

I only managed to catch a musical show - The Lion King, instead of all 3, with golden mickeys and star troopers being the other two. The one i've watched was good, nonetheless.

You know, i actually joined the queue of so many small girls to have this pic taken. I was the only grown up in that queue. hehehe.. But i was damn happy la.. My childhood idol leh...

My fav ride of all.. although i didnt try alot of other rides, but i will definitely recommend this Winnie The Pooh ride to all who are going...

The biggest highlight, a fireworks above the Sleeping Beauty castle to end the day. I only have videos of the fireworks so i couldnt post a pic here. It was really magical and lovely. Make me almost believe in 'happily ever after' for a moment.
I got too carried away shopping for disney's stuffs that we missed our ferry back to macau. In the end, we have to buy new tickets for another ferry to take us there. I was so guilty for having my boy to spend more $$ because of this.

Our first and last meal at hongkong was taken at the same fast food chain. Conclusion: I think all food in hongkong is damn nice and delicious.
We reach Macau slightly before 11pm and we went to join YS and KL at their hotel suite straight. They are staying at The Vatican and had invited us to join them at their suite for the night.

Everything in The Vatican = Grand and Posh. This was their hotel lobby.

Even the hotel room's toilet is bigger than my room back at home! Imagine the bedroom! I only took videos of the whole room cos my camera lens was not wide enough for the shots. That impressive right. Well, u can see how the room look like on their website. I think i will give up all my H&M buys for a night stay at their suite.

These pics were taken on my way down to their casino. ITS F***ING GRAND RIGHT!

Here's how the whole Vatican looks like from outside. We went walking around the hotel compound early next morning while waiting for YS and KL to get ready for our trip to St Paul's Catheral.

Our breakfast on our last day at Macau. The porridge is the best i've eaten. It is just the right taste. Not too salty and not too bland. I dunno how to describe it but its really really good.

This dumpling is quite famous too. They have salted eggs in their dumpling.

On the way towards St Paul's Catheral... there are many china tourists around.

By walking straight to the end of this street, u will see St Paul's Catheral. All those shop selling Macau's famous local produce are along this street as well.

The St Paul's Catheral. Of course i got take pictures of it with me inside, but i dun want to post it up cos i look pregnant in those pics.

The very famous pork chop bun. I find it so so only.. Maybe i didnt get it from the correct store as there were many stores selling the same thing.

Back inside the Vatican. They even had an indoor shopping mall designed like the one at The Venice.

Did some last min shopping before our flight and i saw this! I'm a Red devil fan and this was the only store in S.E.A. Spent s$300+ there and they gave me 2 free tickets to see how their players train, using the actual training machine and facilities. I never knew technology can be used in sports that well. Sadly, they dun allow me to take pictures of the "museum". But the boy get to try the machines just like the actual players did.. i was so dying to take a pic of his performance in that machine.

A beautiful sight of the sky ends my whole trip. I really enjoyed myself and will definitely go back for more great food and buys.. Haiz.. How come happy times are always so short lived?
Signing out~